February 13, 2024

The New Governing Coalition

By Robert A. Taft

The United States has traditionally had a government whereby citizens elected officials who were empowered to make decisions for the public. That is the core principle of a representative republic.

Just in the past year, however, we have seen our representatives in both the House and the Senate undermine the will of the people who elected them.

Let’s consider just three issues: the debt ceiling, the border, and the Ukraine War.

The Debt Ceiling: Despite Kevin McCarthy’s promises to hold the debt ceiling, he caved to Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell. In meeting at the White House, he not only agreed to raise the debt ceiling, but he agreed to let President Biden spend without caps not for one, but two years.

According to a left-leaning CNN poll, 79% of Republican voters opposed raising the debt ceiling unless serious budget cuts were made.

Fourteen of those voters’ representatives in the Senate voted to raise the debt ceiling. In the House, 149 of 222 representatives, or nearly 70 percent, voted for the unlimited, no-capped debt ceiling raise.

They went against the will of their constituents and agreed to fund all the injurious policies of the Biden Administration.

The Border: The now infamous McConnell border security bill, which would have codified the ‘legal’ crossing of 5,000 illegal migrants a day under the supervision and control of DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, was so outrageous that even Senator James Langford and his boss and bill instigator Senator McConnell could not vote for it in the end.

This bill had no funds for finishing the wall, implementing ‘Remain in Mexico,’ or any deterrent to illegal immigration. It was a sneaky ploy to ensure that illegal immigration would go on in perpetuity at a minimum rate of 5,000 migrants a day.

According to a PEW report, 91 percent of Republicans want the border to be secured. The McConnell-Langford bill was so out-of-line that the Oklahoma state legislature censured the senator.

The Ukraine War: Americans have steadily lost interest in supporting President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian oligarchs who are pushing this prolonged war. 

Estimates claim that 500,000 Ukrainians have already died. Zelensky cannot recruit more men as they are fleeing the country in droves and the oligarchs and military are hopelessly corrupt. Zelensky’s generals, some of whom Zelensky has fired, are refusing to step down.

The Biden connection to Ukraine and the Senate’s obsession with the corrupt country both need to be investigated, but the two issues aren’t. There has been no accounting of the $120 billion already sent to Ukraine, but another $60 trillion has just been passed by the Senate.

Many believe the Senate in particular are behind the war because they are committed war hawks, or neocons, or because the Military Industrial Complex is lobbying hard and making a fortune over the continuation of the war. Others believe that many in the Senate and House are benefitting financially from the war.

In the most recent Senate vote, 18 Republican senators, or over 30 percent, voted with the Democrats to pass a bill giving another $60 billion to Ukraine and additional funds to Israel and Taiwan.

As a result of Republican congressional actions, neither Republican members of the Senate or the House are representing Republican constituents. Their voting actions will result in open borders, erosion of U.S. sovereignty, payments to the United Nations and NGOs, continuation of the Green New Deal, erosion of the dollar as the global currency, erosion of American culture in schools, and no attempt to secure U.S. elections.

In addition, Republican lawmakers are actively trying to restrain through legislation what President Trump can do if he wins a second term. In particular, Republican senators are working on a bill that would limit his ability to deport illegal aliens. 

Senator Ron Johnson is claiming that what is evolving rapidly in the Senate is a New Governing Coalition. The Senate is not using this term but passing legislation which they claim is ‘bipartisan.’ In short, bipartisan means Republicans, which are basically the Controlled Opposition, teaming with Biden Democrats to achieve the agenda outlined above.

Why are Republicans betraying the public trust? Very simple. Just as there is no longer representative democracy in this country, we no longer have a Republican party. We now have two parties, still ill-defined: the Globalist Party and the Nationalist Party.

The transition from Republican-Democrat to Globalist-Nationalist parties is exposed in the way Congress votes

In the Senate, the Globalist Party is consistently represented by 51 Democrats and 18 Republicans. The Nationalist Party is consistently represented by 31 senators. In the House, the Globalist Party is consistently represented by 210 Democrats and 110 Republicans. The Nationalist Party is consistently represented by about 112 members.

Thus the Globalist Party consists of 69 percent of the Senate and 65 percent of the House. Constituents, however, voted for 49 percent of the Senate and 51 percent of the House.

Had their representatives voted as their constituents wanted, Biden would have been forced to close the border, inflation would be lower due to reduced government spending, and the loss of funding for Ukraine would force Zelenskyy to negotiate a truce with Putin.

Under the New Governing Coalition that didn’t happen and, most likely, will not.